Happy Dashain!!

Today, 8th of October, there is a big festival here in Nepal, called Dashain. Dashain is celebrated by the Buddhist, Hindus and Kirats of Nepal. The festival symbolizes the victory of good over evil. Compared to the Swedish and Norwegian culture, Dashain is similar to our Christmas Eve. The festival is actually lasting for 15 days, and people usually go home to celebrate with their families.

Our class were so lucky to get invited by our house lord Pampa to celebrate with her family. So, after today´s school, we all went changing to our Nepali dresses, called kurta or saris (you can get these beautiful dresses in all types of pattern and different colours tailor-made to your body. They are so beautiful!). When we arrived Pampa´s house, we all received a red tika (rice at our forhead) and the plant “jamar” in our hair, while Pampa´s husband gave us his blessing. Then we had a delightful meal with all different sorts of food. The family also sang Nepali songs to us, so we really felt welcome in their house.
