Category: Nepal

There are several things to do after the semester in Pokhara is finished. I spent the first weeks of the exam period mainly in Kathmandu, before travelling in India with a group of seven people. This post is meant to give some information about travelling in India, and hopefully to inspire some to do so.

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If you have read some blogposts about Nepal, you might have seen that trekking is a common activity when staying in Pokhara. There are plenty of opportunities to go trekking in the area, and I would recommend to go trekking at least once. You won’t regret it! Anyhow, this post will give you some insight

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As you might know, staying in Pokhara gives you plenty of opportunities to go trekking in the Annapurna region in Himalaya. Personally, this was one of the many highlights of staying in Nepal. Because of this, I will dedicate this post to give you some advice on how to prepare and plan for a trek.

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After having completed the 10 weeks in Pokhara, the home exam period is up next. One of the best parts about this, is that you can do the exam from anywhere in the world, as long as you have Wi-Fi. This post is dedicated to informing you on the possibility to take the exam in

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After the group paper was delivered and before the exam period began, we got to squeeze in some extra time to explore Nepal. A group of six of us went to Chitwan National Park, in hopes of experiencing the spectacular wildlife of Nepal. (Especially tigers!!) We didn’t really plan to much and booked accommodation the

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Before coming here, I would have loved to see some more pictures and information on the housing-situation. Therefore, I have dedicated the first blog post of the semester to a mini-house tour, and some descriptions of the facilities, so that potential and incoming students can get a better insight into what could be your home

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Er det noe Nepal kan, så er det å feire festivaler og helligdager. Siden starten av februar da vi kom til Nepal har det vært to religiøse helligdager; Shivarati og Holi. Shivarati er en helligdag som feires til ære for Hindu-guden Shiva og hans ekteskap med gudinnen Parvati. Dagen handler i praktisk betydning om å

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Nepal er mye mer enn bare fjell. Likevel, må det nevnes at fjellturene rundt Pokhara er i verdensklasse med Himalaya-kjeden som nærmeste nabo. En av de mest kjente trekkene er Mardi Himal. Dette er en 4-5-dagers fjelltur med en stigning på omtrent 2100 meter. Dette semesteret var vi en stor gjeng på 15 som prøvde

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