Category: Nepal

I løpet av de 10 ukene i Nepal, kan jeg love deg at det er mye som skjer både i og utenfor skolen. Som nevnt tidligere har Pokhara en rekke aktiviteter å by på, men det er verdt å merke seg at det også er mange muligheter for helgeturer utenfor byen. For noen uker siden

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Nameste! Nå som gjengen her i Pokhara har kommet til det punktet hvor vi omtaler «Hotel New Darshan» som «hjemme» og har kommet inn i en mer eller mindre fast hverdagsrytme, tenkte jeg å ta dere med gjennom en vanlig dag for oss her i Nepal! Av og til kan jeg glemme at oppholdet i

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I starten av januar kjøpte jeg en enveisbillett til Kathmandu. Etter det innså jeg at hverdagen min kom til å endre seg drastisk fra hverdagen jeg allerede var vandt med. Før jeg bestemte meg for å studere med Kulturstudier var jeg noe usikker på om dette var riktig valg. Jeg var usikker på om jeg

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My semester in Nepal is coming to an end. Soon it’s time to say goodbye to some of my most memorable moments and the kindest, most welcoming people I have ever met. Therefore, I would like to take the opportunity to reflect on my top experiences here in Nepal. Weekend trip to Happy Village One

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The last weekend here in Nepal, me and my closest friend wanted to do something special. After seeing the mountains, and enjoying lazy days at the pool, we decided to go on a weekend trip to Begnas Lake. Everyone kept talking about how we should visit it, so we had to give it a try!

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1. It’s so much more than just mountains When many people think of Nepal, tall mountains and hiking are often one of their first associations. However, keep in mind that Nepal has so much more to offer than that. In fact, I am not a big hiker at all, and that was definitely not the

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Last weekend Kulturstudier arranged a trip to the small mountain village “Dhampus”. The bus ride was a hilarious experience itself, as the road up isn’t particularly good, and we were swinging back and forth in our seats. We were stunned when we arrived. Until then, we hadn’t gotten a really good look at the tall

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I fire måneder har jeg ventet på en opplevelse jeg visste at jeg kom til å huske for resten av livet. Nå skjønner jeg at den også kommer til å forandre det. Et utsiktspunkt ved båtene ved innsjøen der vi bor i Pokhara. Bare noen dager har gått siden jeg ankom det som skulle bli

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Earlier I have written about what to do in Pokhara and Kathmandu, fun and cool activities that both Pokhara and Nepal provides with and lastly a normal school week and schedules. All these things are necessary and fun things to get excited over when traveling to Nepal with Kulturstudier. But all these things together only

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After two weeks in Pokhara, the whole class desided that it was time to go on an adventure. There are plenty of places to visit around Pokhara, and the small city is known for its beautiful nature and many treks in the Himalayan.   We all decided to go to Dhampus. A place that is

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