Moving to a different country may cause you to experience what is familiarly known as a “culture shock”. This is a feeling of confusion and uncertainty that you might have from experiencing a different culture than your own. It might happen when you move to another country and get involved in another cultural setting, especially

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Vi har vært veldig heldige som har fått oppleve Buenos Aires i mai, og vi fikk oppleve å feire både den norske og den argentinske nasjonaldagen. I mai har vi også opplevd at været har blitt mye kjøligere enn da vi først kom. Til tross for det så har den argentinske høsten vært utrolig fin.

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We have just now come back to Cape Coast after three weeks of doing field research in villages spread around the region. Our class was divided into seven groups going to seven different villages. Many groups were placed in villages along the coast, and some of us were placed in villages further into the country.

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Halfway in the semester we get a long weekend off, where us students can travel wherever we like. We were a big group who decided to go to Ha Giang and go on a motorbike ride up in the mountains near the border of China. To get to Ha Giang we had to take a

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  At the end of the semester in Pokhara you will first be working on one group exam with some of your fellow students, followed by a three-week period of an individual home exam. While working on the group paper, all students stay in Pokhara. The individual exam can be written from anywhere. I have

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On Friday, we headed to Accra for the long weekend. The reason we decided on going to Accra, the capital, was because African Games is being hosted in Ghana at the moment, and the opening ceremony was in Accra. As we decided on going the day before, we ordered the tickets while we were driving,

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